O2 Priority
O2 Priority is the flagship lifestyle brand, offering exclusive experiences and deals for O2 customers. The popular Priority Tickets initiative offers O2 customers access to tickets for thousands of gigs across the UK before general release and the location based Priority Moments mobile apps enables customers to take advantage of offers and experiences that are relevant, local and are immediately redeemable wherever they are.
Jelerang have worked closely with O2 since the launch of O2 Priority providing the fully managed application service responsible for the management of the customer details and interest data collected through a variety of online channels.
Jelerang created a custom API and data warehousing system that allows O2's creative agencies to store and retrieve customer information in a secure and robust way, alongside bespoke business intelligence applications and data syndication services which provided sales and senior management with detailed customer insights.
Virgin Media Comment Boards
Virgin Media's portal receives over 150m PIs a month. They wanted to increase this by encouraging users to engage with their great editorial content. Their idea ......
"We want to have a super simple commenting system that allows site visitors to post thoughts on any piece of editorial."
Jelerang set about scoping a tool that was easy for site visitors, easy for editors and easy for moderators to use. All the way working closely with the key members of the Virgin Media editorial team. The system was delivered in stages ensuring quick time to market and generating an additional 10m PIs a month.
Needless to say Virgin Media were very happy!
Jelerang designed and developed the web application engine behind AMEE's carbon calculator now used by Defra, Google and a range of other high profile organisations.
To achieve this our team of skilled architects and developers who took the basic requirements from Gavin Starks (founder of AMEE) and shaped them into a complex system that met his needs.
AMEE has since become a great success recently securing further investment funding, bringing the total investment to $5.5 million.
Telefonica (UK) Site Hosting
O2 constantly find that they have several marketing campaigns running at any one time. With each campaign using a potentially different web agency, O2 wanted to find a way of ensuring that standards remained high, change was accountable and costs were kept to a minimum.
Jelerang put together a highly flexible and robust environment for any of O2's creative agencies to use. It ensures costs remain reasonable and that consistantly high standards are met.